samedi 10 mars 2007

Key Differences

InnoCentive matches top scientists to relevant research and development challenges facing leading companies around the globe. It provides a powerful online forum enabling major companies to reward scientific innovation through financial incentives.

NineSigma give more opportunity to a companies to have seekers for many scientist projects.
Ninesigma give you its network

Yourencore can be taken like a means. is a service provider connecting the technology and product development opportunities of member companies with world class talented individuals

jeudi 8 mars 2007

Innocentive concept

1. What is it?

It's a new concept of market place which enables companies to pose a R&D problem.

3. What is the business model?Innocentive: innovation + incentive

Freemium is used in concert with other biz models (which ones and why)?

Freemium is used in concert with other biz models (which ones and why)?Free services is provided in the first instance.So it is important for companies going on Freemium to master costs (ex no distribution, no stocking, no offline shops,...) as a matter of fact such a model cannot be applied to clothes, furnitures and any tangible goods which must be transportated.Morever this model is best suited for online services and downloadable products (ex Skype, VIADEO, IT sofware). In these cases the company can expect a return on investment in that the product once created and published is ready for immediate download without any fee.Also this model is best suited to social, referral and professional networkings where no publicity or advertising is needed. the goal is to find business partners to enhanced the initial projects.Natacha, Fabrizio, Epiphane, Reza (Groupe 3)
Publié par Natacha à 08:32 0 commentaires
Libellés :


1. OTHER revenues than core revenue sources:

Financial credits- more capacity for stocking emails- absence of ads- meeting people: social and business networking, recruitment, partnerships....Internet marketing,

2. If "market segments are dead", how are segments replaced? Why is it important to the digital economy?
Community of customers is created according to tastes, common points, preferences and hobbies
It is a very dynamic business model- because you can meet another kind of demand or developp others periferic services- because you can reduce the costs- because there are less barriers....Technologies and applications; business models segments ; structures of comparative advantage ; Distinct legal and policy frameworks are thus the logical starting points to explore national developments in the e-conomy for example.

3. How can 'free' generate revenue for an online business? Please include your favorite example.

"Free" can generate revenue because you propose a service for free. It enables you to acquire a lot of customers who can use free services. Free tend to attract and keep loyal customers

My favorite example is Avast! (anti virus)

samedi 24 février 2007

Really a very interesting MKT Solution, Vente Prive was created some years ago but it is actually one of the Succesful Marketing web pages in Internet, specially in France.One of the most original ideas was to give the opportunity to buy with them, only to people who knew somebody that previously bought or at least knew what "VENTE PRIVE" means.Actually, everyday we recieve a lot of span mails that of course we don't open scared of virus or simply because we are sure that there is nothing interesting inside.VENTE PRIVE asures that a mail sent is a mail open because they are your friends,your relatives or somebody you know who sents the invitation that is neccesary to buy, of course if somebody from your influence wants to share this kind of things with you, for sure it is interesting.This is one of succesful ideas, then, you can enjoy with the luxury and design articles you can buy half of their price, even less and also that is sent to your house.they make easy and cheap, something everbody needs and coming from the beginning that you should trust, something you like makes you part of it.VENTEE PRIVEE, also will in the nearly future become International, with a very well thought strategy, they will start with Germany and Spain where they are sure, from the very begining they will succed due to the economic situation and also a culture adapted to new tendences.In England and Italy they will attend a little bit more, they are markets, because of their currency or because they think they are not ready.the Strategy they followed made then go from more or less 36 Million € to 110 Millions in only 1 year, from 2005 to 2006 and they had more than 1.600.000 visitors all of them interacting between them, don't forget that to become a VENTE PRIVEE member is only possible if somebody else sends to you an invitation.their development is not only based in the Internacionalitation, they just bought a new center in order to increase their capacity, even when one of their faults is that just after one month you will recieve your boughtsVENTE PRIVEE also cares about the suppliers, they recomend them not more than two sales each year in order not to become a soldes company and keep their luxury image. they also help to keep this image with the presentations they make, very easy ones but they are capable to show what the firm wants to represent.and finally....all of this to get discounts from 30 to 70%, so the clients are really satisfied....they are the kings and queens every sale.


Map/carte du Congo

La carte du Congo

Le réseau " Africain" du citoyen Chirac

Au 24e sommet Afrique-France de Cannes (15-16 février), Jacques Chirac a initié ses nouveaux "alliés" à l'Afrique ambiguë, redevenue un enjeu géostratégique autant pour son pétrole que pour sa capacité de nuisance. (...)